The Seal of Adam

The Seal of Adam is represented by a negative or downward facing triangle connected at the midpoints within a positive or upward facing triangle in the fractal manner of a Sierpinski Gasket; sometimes represented inside a circle; a mandala of the universe.

This symbolism is broken down in multifaceted ways, the profound synchronicities of which cannot be exhausted for reasons of obvious brevity, but wisdom is as salt, thrown in water and dissolved; a little salt leavens a large lump.

The upward or positive triangle represents the “A” of Adam. The mountain of masculine energy; the protruding, outstanding extension of pure ambition: to learn, to understand, to comprehend, to conquer.

The negative or downward triangle represents the “V” of Eve. The valley of nurturing, the inner draw of Eve’s warmth; even the seductive nature of our own souls. The energy of the maiden and the mother; as well as the illusionary nature of the veil of Mother Eve, the cosmic womb of space-time that resides within the pure awareness of the Spirit of Adam Himself. A geometric array of eternity.

Furthermore, the fact that the smaller triangle is an exact copy of the larger triangle is a representation of the Macrocosmic nature of the universe juxtaposed against the microcosmic nature of the universe within itself. Even if the copy appears inverted, or sometimes distorted, foreign or alien; such is the nature of the veil of Eve.

This symbolism clearly represents the holographic nature of the cosmos, in which the smallest atomic units contain the imprint of the whole. For we are image-bearers of divinity Itself. And as the nature of the microcosmic Adam is contained within the individual imagination of man, so too the nature of the macrocosmic Man is contained within the perception of the universal awareness of Adam.

The entire shape of the Seal of Adam can be broken down to a spell of the name “ADAM” as well: The “A” making the top half of the upward triangle and the top cross of the downward triangle. The “D” reinforcing the entire outer triangle as a whole. The Second “A” as clear as the first, and the bottom half of the downward triangle clearly illuminated as the center of the “M”. Thus, completing the seal. A calligram, rebus, mandala and sigil rolled into one. Thou art Adam.